Why you should grow Beans

Beans are annual plants grown for their edible seeds and occasionally for the leaves that are eaten as vegetables. They are one of the most important legumes for human consumption. They are estimated to be the second most important source of dietary protein and third most important source of calories. There are many varieties of beans but in Uganda, the common ones include Nambale, K131, K132, NABE 2, NABE 3 and NABE 4. These are bush beans while the climbing types include NABE (7C, 8C, 9C, 10C) and NABE12.

Traditionally, beans were grown for home consumption but after realising the benefits, bean growing transcended to being commercial. Below are some reasons why you should be grow beans.

Beans have an already market in homes, schools, barracks, hospitals. Besides the local market, the regional market for beans continues to grow everyday.

In 2014, it was reported that revenue collected from beans exported to DRC according to market information from Uganda Exports Promotions Board earned the country $1.15(Shs3b) out of the total $ 1.42(Shs3.7b exports.

Unlike most of the crops, beans mature in two to three months. This means that you can accrue the proceeds quickly.

Beans are leguminous plants and they fix nitrogen into the soil so besides the other values, beans can help on improving soil fertility.

Unlike most crops beans are not easily affected by diseases. With beans, you can be assured of growing for years without a worry of diseases. But this does not mean you don’t keep watch and monitor any possible disease outbreak and pest attacks.

Beans are the least expensive source of proteins and also an easy source of vitamins A, C, KB6 and folic acid. Beans are also a source of minerals such as phosphorous, potassium and zinc, and are high in soluble fiber.

Beans are easy to preserve, they are proven affordable indigenous bean preservation methods which include use of wooden ash, cow dung and crushed burnt brick ash.

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