Producing large quantities of Cassava stems.

Rapid multiplication technique can be used to produce large quantities of cassava stems as planting materials for subsequent seasons.

– Select and use improved, healthy, and pest/disease free cassava stems.
– Cut the stems into several 2-node or 3-node stakes using secateurs, a sharp knife/machete, or a stake cutting machine.

Step 1: Treat the stakes with available insecticides or fungicides by measuring out the quantities into a container, add water and mix thoroughly. For example, 1kg of Neem leaf powder in 5L of water. Put the stakes into the solution for 10 minutes.

Step 2: Remove from the solution and place in perforated transparent polythene bags for pre-sprouting.

Step 3: Store in the polythene bags under the shade of a tree or under the cassava canopy or in a farm shed for 7–10 days to sprout.

Step 4: Prepare the nursery for planting

Step 5: Expose the polythene bags in the field by placing them on and mounds, or on the flat ground for 20 minutes.

Step 6: Prepare the nursery for planting. Expose the polythene bags in the field by placing them on and mounds, or on the flat ground for 20 minutes.

Step 7: Harvest cassava stems at 6–8 months after planting. To harvest, cut the stems at a height of 20–25 cm above the ground level with a sharp machete.

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