Before you plant Cabbages, know this.

Cabbage seeds take 4 to 10 days to sprout and if developed in a seedbed, they ought to be transplanted after five to seven weeks. They, from that point, take 80 days to develop and harvest.

In this way, for a July or August reap, you should plant your seedlings in March or April. Be that as it may, you can likewise plant them on any four-month cycle as long as you abstain from sowing in October or November in the event that you are in a more hotter region.

The prescribed spacing is 50 by 50cm to 70 by 70cm for bigger varieties. In a square-foot planting framework, plant a single cabbage for every square foot.

Cabbage is what we call a “substantial feeder”. Cabbage needs satisfactory nutrition to grow those substantial heads.

In this manner, it is ideally grown in soils with some clay content, yet the soil likewise should be profound and rich in natural organic matter with a high water maintenance capacity. This is the capacity of the soil to hold rain or irrigation water for longer periods.

To accomplish this, loosen the soil deeply before planting and dig in 12 to 20 tons of superb manure per acre of land a month and a half before planting.

Cabbage additionally needs very much circulated air through soil, so loosen the soil consistently and apply mulch. A thick mulch layer of 15 to 20cm deep will keep the soil moist and cool. Before head development, load up the soil around the root or stem area. This will increase root and plant growth.

We recommend that you have your soil tested before you plant. A soil test will give all of you the fundamental information you require for effective and feasible fertility management.

Cabbage needs a pH of 6 to 7. In the event that the pH of your field is lower, the recommendation that accompanies the soil test will inform you on the sum with respect to lime you have to fuse preceding planting. Lime ought to be applied three to a half year before planting. So, do your soil tests early and frequently.

The soil test will likewise give you a proposal on the kind and measure of manure you ought to apply.

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