Transplanting your Cabbage seedlings.

Transplant seedlings after 3-4 weeks. Transplant early in the morning (6-10 am) or late in the afternoon (4-6pm)
The day before you transplant, take the shade off the nursery bed and reduce watering. This is called hardening. It gives the seedlings a chance to get used to the strong sunshine.

1. Dig planting holes 2 feet (60cm) by 2 feet (60cm) apart for cabbages

2. Put 5g (bottle top cap) of planting fertilizer like Mavuno Vegetables N.P.K 20.10.18 or Mavuno Planting N.P.K 10.26.10 in each hole. You need 50 kg per acre.

3. Add a handful of well rotten manure per hole and mix fertilizer, manure and soil well

4. Plant a seedling in each hole and firm the base.

5. Water well.

6. Drench soil with a mixture of 10ml MIDA & 20ml PEARL in 20lt water. This will help stop early pests and diseases.

Control weeds
Weed your field 2-3 weeks after transplanting. Weed with care using a jembe to avoid damage to the roots. Weeds compete for nutrients with your crop and also hide pests which carry diseases.

After weeding, top-dress with a Nitrogen fertilizer. This will encourage formation of more leaves. Apply fertilizers like Mavuno Top dressing N.P.K 26.0.0 or CAN. You need 50kg per acre.

Foliar Feeds
Based on what is lacking in your soil and various crop demands, you may need to apply foliar feed for a bigger harvest. The type of foliar feed to use depends on the stage of the crop and what the crop needs.

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